3 Ways To Block UV Rays In Your Car When You're Allergic To Sunscreen

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If you're sensitive to sunlight and want a way to protect your skin from UV rays as you drive, the conventional advice is to wear sunscreen when you drive. But what if you're also allergic to sunscreen? Despite the proliferation of sunscreens claiming to be hypoallergenic—which is really just an advertising term—sunscreen allergies are becoming more common. But this does not mean you just have to deal with UV rays coming into the cab of the car through window glass. Here are three ways you can protect yourself, and especially your arms.

Long Sleeves

While not perfect, regular clothing can help protect you, especially your arms. Thin or threadbare clothing won't work very well, but if you're wearing a dark-colored, relatively thick shirt with long sleeves, you'll protect your skin from the UV rays coming in through the side windows of your car.

UV Clothing

Even better than regular clothing, though, is UV-protective clothing that has an ultraviolet protection rating, or UPF rating. This clothing is made with a special weave or with a sunscreen chemical embedded in the clothing. Note that if you're allergic to sunscreen, you should look for the clothing made with the special weave instead. If you were to wear the chemical-infused clothing, and the clothing were to get wet, the chemical could seep out of the clothing and onto your skin, causing a reaction.

If you don't want to invest in an entire UPF wardrobe, look for pieces meant to protect body parts like your arms. Many companies make special sleeves that you can keep in your car, for example, and use when driving.

Window Film

If you don't think you want to have to put on special clothing just to drive your car, add window film to all of the side windows and back window of your car. Your front windshield already blocks most UV rays, but the other glass in the car does not. By adding an anti-UV coating to the glass, you can prevent most of the rays from reaching your skin. Just remember that if you roll down the window, you'll be exposing your arms to the sun again. Sounds obvious, but it does mean you'll need to use another form of sun protection.

If you're interested in getting anti-UV window film, talk to autoglass companies, such as SML Window Tint, and repair shops to find out which brands are recommended. The shops can also show you tinted versions that comply with local laws.
